at.home $500 Gift Card
禮品卡,結婚禮物 ,入伙禮物
尺寸 (長 / 直徑 / CM)


Terms & Conditions : 

  • 此禮券有效期由發出日期起計2年,逾期無效。
  • 每張禮券只可以使用乙次且必須於購買時出示方為有效,影印本恕不接受。
  • 此禮券不可兌換現金,並不設找贖。
  • 此禮券如有塗改或損毀即屬無效,如有遺失將不獲補發。
  • 此禮券必須蓋上home印章及獲授權人士簽署方為有效。
  • 如有任何爭議,瑞典歐化(遠東)有限公司將保留最終決定權。
  • This gift card is valid for 2 years from the issue date; it will be void when expired.
  • This gift card can be used for one time only and will only be valid when presented at the time of purchase; photocopy is not acceptable.
  • This gift card cannot be exchanged for cash and no change will be given.
  • This gift card will be void if found defaced or damaged, and will not be replaced if lost.
  • This gift card is only valid with the authorized signature and company chop of at.home.
  • Ulferts of Sweden (Far East) Limited reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.